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Radhuni Chili (Morich) Powder 1 kg 

Original price was: 390.0 ৳ .Current price is: 386.0 ৳ .

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 Radhuni Chili (Morich) Powder 1 kg 

Radhuni powdered Chilli is vivid in color, precious in flavor. Best variety of red chilli provides more hotness. Capsaicin, the main flavoring compound for hotness and Capsanthin, the main coloring compound is blended in proper proportion to maintain the real taste of chili.

The plant used to make the Hungarian version of the spice was grown in 1529 by the Turks at Buda (now part of Budapest, the capital of Hungary). Central European paprika was hot until the 1920s, when a Szeged breeder found a plant that produced sweet fruit, which he grafted onto other plants.

panish paprika (pimentón) is available in three versions — mild (pimentón dulce), mildly spicy (pimentón agridulce) and spicy (pimentón picante). The most common Spanish paprika, Pimentón de la Vera, has a distinct smoky flavor and aroma, as it is dried by smoking, typically using oak wood. Pimentón de Murcia is not smoked, traditionally being dried in the sun or in kilns.

The Netherlands is a major production and distribution source of paprika as well, especially grown in greenhouses, while China is the world’s biggest exporter of sweet paprika for use as a coloring agent as of 2016.

Paprika is produced in various places including Hungary, Serbia, Spain, the Netherlands, China, and some regions of the United States.

Hungary is a major source of commonly-used paprika.  It is available in different grades:

  • Noble sweet (Édesnemes) – slightly pungent (the most commonly exported paprika; bright red)
  • Special quality (különleges) – the mildest (very sweet with a deep bright red color)
  • Delicate (csípősmentes csemege) – a mild paprika with a rich flavor (color from light to dark red)
  • Exquisite delicate (csemegepaprika) – similar to delicate, but more pungent
  • Pungent exquisite delicate (csípős csemege, pikáns) – an even more pungent version of delicate
  • Rose (rózsa) – with a strong aroma and mild pungency (pale red in color)
  • Half-sweet (félédes) – a blend of mild and pungent paprikas; medium pungency
  • Strong (erős) – the hottest paprika (light brown in color)
  • Paprika is used as an ingredient in numerous dishes throughout the world. It is principally used to season and color rices, stews, and soups, such as goulash, and in the preparation of sausages, mixed with meats and other spices. In the United States, paprika is frequently sprinkled raw on foods as a garnish, but the flavor is more effectively brought out by heating it in oil.


  1. nazia (verified owner)

    “ এ পন্যটি ভাল, আপনিও ক্রয় করতে পারেন। এছাড়া এই কোম্পানীর আরো ওয়েব সাইট আছে, মন চাইলে ভিজিট করতে পারেন = ১) আবাসন মেলা = ২) মাসিক আমার ঈমান (রেজিস্টার্ড পত্রিকা) ৩) ওয়ালীবাজার.কমের হোম পেইজ = ৪) রেন্ট এ কারের সাইট = = Goocly Play Store App = Showary (সোয়ারী) ”

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