



Introduction: It is said that the practice of reading human beings has decreased over time. There can be a dispute about how much the truth is. But one thing is sure to say. Over time, the practice of reading human has changed a lot. In the past, there were scenes where going to the library or taking a book from the library to relax. The ebook reader, smartphone or tablet PC has come to the hands of people reading books there. The computer or laptop screen is not only for viewing photos or for important purposes but to read books and to look at many. So now the technology of the printed book, PDF file, word file or e-book has taken a lot of space. As a result, the demand for e-book or book software is increasing with the book printed at the present time.
Increasingly, the rate of book reading has increased in smartphones, with the speed of spreading the smartphone and faster internet with human hands. All of the time, many people spend time looking for information about online Bangla books. Outside of e-commerce, there are opportunities to buy books like other products online. As a result, the opportunity to buy a favorite book at home and get it very easily. In this post, various websites related to the online Bangla books were highlighted.
Two websites have been created by the government of Bangladesh to bring the books of Bangladesh’s National Curriculum and Textbook Board to everyone. Of these, the National Curriculum and Textbook Board’s website is www.nctb.gov.bd. From the first to the twelfth grade, the PDFs of all the books can be found on this website. Apart from this, the official language of the subjects such as curriculum, primary education target, subject-specific curriculum, etc. can be found on this site.
Conclusion: A Library is a tool for education in a country. A country has no alternative to library education, so it is very important to have many libraries in one country!

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