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Small Ilish

Small Ilish

সরিষা মাখা বা তেলে ভাজা। ইলিশ মাছ রান্নায় জনপ্রিয় দুই ধরন। তবে দিন দিন ইলিশের রেসিপিতেও যোগ হচ্ছে নানা উপকরণ। এতে স্বাদেও চলে আসছে নতুনত্ব। তেমনই কিছু রেসিপি…

উপকরণ: ইলিশ মাছ ৪ টুকরা, আদাবাটা ১ চা-চামচ, রসুনবাটা আধা চা-চামচ, পেঁয়াজবাটা ২ চা-চামচ, কমলার মণ্ডের জন্য ১টি মালটা, সয়াবিন তেল আধা কাপ, কমলার রস আধা কাপ, লাল কাঁচা মরিচ ৪টি, সবুজ কাঁচা মরিচ ৪টি।

প্রণালি: মাছগুলো ভালোভাবে ধুয়ে সামান্য লবণ মেখে রাখতে হবে। একটি পাত্রে তেল গরম করে সব বাটা মসলা ও সামান্য পানি দিয়ে কষিয়ে নিন। একটু পর মালটার মণ্ড ও মালটার রস দিয়ে আবার কষান। এবার বাকি কমলার রস, লাল ও সবুজ কাঁচা মরিচ দিতে হবে। ফুটে উঠলে মাছগুলো ভালোভাবে মসলায় মাখিয়ে টিফিন বাটিতে বিছিয়ে দিন। ডাবল বয়লারে ২০ মিনিট থেকে ২৫ মিনিট বেক করে পরিবেশন করুন।

পোস্ত ইলিশ

উপকরণ: ইলিশ ৬ টুকরা, সয়াবিন তেল ৪ টেবিল চামচ, পোস্তবাটা ২ টেবিল চামচ, জিরাগুঁড়া সামান্য, আদাবাটা ১ চা–চামচ, চিনি সামান্য, রসুনবাটা আধা চা–চামচ, কাঁচা মরিচ ৫ থেকে ৬টা, মিষ্টিদই ২ টেবিল চামচ, মরিচের গুড়া সিকি চা–চামচ, ঘি ২ চা–চামচ এবং লবণ পরিমাণমতো।

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Whole Hilsha (ilish) 500 gm

Whole Hilsha (ilish) 500 gm

Ilish or Hilsha is a national fish of Bangladesh. Ilish body is strongly compressed and moderately deep with dorsal and ventral profile equally convex. It is considered to be one of most favorite and delicious fish in the world. t is an oily fish and rich in essential omega 3 fatty acids. n Bangladesh this fish is prepared in varity of way like it can be smoked, fried, steamed, baked, prepared with mustard seed paste, curd, brinjal (eggplant). Some common hilsa menus are Fried hilsa, Khichuri-Ilish, Sorshe Ilish, Panta Ilish,Vapa Ilish etc.

Whole Hilsha (ilish) 800 gm

Whole Hilsha (ilish) (Export Quality)  (800 gm)

Ilish or Hilsha is a national fish of Bangladesh. Ilish body is strongly compressed and moderately deep with dorsal and ventral profile equally convex. It is considered to be one of most favorite and delicious fish in the world. t is an oily fish and rich in essential omega 3 fatty acids. n Bangladesh this fish is prepared in varity of way like it can be smoked, fried, steamed, baked, prepared with mustard seed paste, curd, brinjal (eggplant). Some common hilsa menus are Fried hilsa, Khichuri-Ilish, Sorshe Ilish, Panta Ilish,Vapa Ilish etc.


“At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.”


“At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.”

Beauty Product

“At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.”

Skin Care

“At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est,

omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.”

Hair Care

“At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.





Bath & Handwash

“At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.”

Cras viverra rhoncus

Integer feugiat eget quam non egestas. Fusce ullamcorper dapibus eleifend. Nullam ornare pulvinar lacinia. Nunc tempus facilisis ullamcorper. Nam sit amet suscipit risus, ut ultricies felis. Vivamus a finibus nisi. Sed quam sem, accumsan eget tristique sit amet, suscipit sit amet augue. Duis dolor dui, sagittis at faucibus ac, varius et sapien

kochur loti 1 ati

kochur loti 1 ati

kochur loti 1 ati

মুরো দিই কোচুর লোটি (মাছের মাথা দিয়ে কলকাসিয়া স্টোলনের বাংলা-স্টাইল মিশ্মশ)

মুম্বাইয়ের কোচুর লোতি বা কলোকাসিয়া স্টলনগুলি সম্পর্কে মানুষ কমই জানে, যা বাঙালি খাবারের একটি গহনা উপাদান। এই বছরের শুরুর দিকে, আমি বিহারের একটি থালাওয়ালার উপর ঝগড়া করতে সৌভাগ্যবান ছিলাম যিনি বুঝতে পেরেছিলেন, এবং আগামী সপ্তাহে কিছু লোটি আনতে আমার প্রতিজ্ঞা করেছিলেন। আজকাল, আমি আর তাকে দেখি না। গত সপ্তাহে, যখন আমার বাঙ্গালী সাহায্যকারীর আপেক্ষিক তাকে দেখেছিলেন, তখন আমার অবাক হয়ে তিনি আমার জন্য প্রচুর পরিমাণে লটি পেয়েছিলেন, পাশাপাশি এক ডজন গোল্ডোরাজ লেবু এবং কলকাতার কিছু মোটা সবুজ মরিচ নিয়েছিলেন। আমি সুখী হতে পারে না। যারা মোটা এবং তাজা লাগছিল। যারা আমার নিজের শিকড় আমাকে স্মরণ করিয়ে!

কোচু লতি ম্যাকের মাথার ডাইয়ে পদ্ধতি

অনেক বাঙালি আছেন যারা ঘরে লটি রান্না করেন না কারণ তারা অনিচ্ছুক যে এইগুলি তাদের গলাটি বাজেয়াপ্ত করবে বা পেট খারাপ করবে। হ্যাঁ, যদি আপনি এটি রান্না করার সঠিক কৌশল জানেন না। কোলকাসিয়ায় স্টোলনগুলি ক্ষুদ্র ক্যালোরি অক্সালেট স্ফটিক ধারণ করে যা গলা এর শ্বসন ঝিল্লিতে আটকে রাখার জন্য খিটখিটে দায়ী।
Cosmopolitan Currymania উপর বিস্তারিত নির্দেশাবলী সঙ্গে Kochur Loti কিভাবে রান্না করা গলাতে সামান্য জ্বালা থেকে মুক্তি পাওয়ার জন্য, খোসা এবং কাটা স্টলনগুলি হিমায়িত পাউডারের সাথে লবণাক্ত পানিতে উষ্ণ করা উচিত। তখন পানিটি বর্জন করা হয় এবং লোটি পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খভাবে শুকিয়ে যায়।

কোচুর লোটি কিভাবে রান্না করবেন যেন আপনার গলা খিঁচুনি না!হ্যা এটা সম্ভব. আমি আমার Grandma এর পদ্ধতি অনুসরণ, যা একেবারে জরিমানা কাজ করে।Stolons বা Loti বাইরের তন্তু চামড়া ছিটিয়ে। এটা করার সময়, আপনার পাম্প সরিষা তেল এবং লবণ সঙ্গে smeared করা আবশ্যক।এমন একটি পাত্রে পানির পরিমাপ করুন যাতে স্টলনগুলিকে নিক্ষেপ করা যায়, পোড়ানোর পরে পোস্ট করা যায়।

পানি ২ টি টমেটো লবণ এবং 1.5 টি চামচ হালকা পেস্ট বা গুঁড়া দিয়ে উড়ে নিন। ধুয়ে লোটি যোগ করুন (প্রায় 750 গ্রাম এখন), যা সূচী-আঙুল আকারের টুকরা মধ্যে কাটা হয়। উচ্চ শিখা অধীনে 10 মিনিট জন্য বাষ্প।

শিখা বন্ধ করুন এবং 5 মিনিটের জন্য ফুটন্ত পানিতে স্টলনগুলি বিশ্রাম দিন।জল সম্পূর্ণ নিষ্কাশন করুন এবং ঠান্ডা জল দিয়ে রান্না করা স্টোলন কুসুম।

রেসিপি অনুযায়ী এগিয়ে যান। তবে যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব উচ্চ তাপ রান্না করতে বা কসুন্ডি (বাঙ্গালি সরিষা সস), তরমুজ বা এমনকি টমেটোগুলির মতো সরি এজেন্ট ব্যবহার করতে ভুলবেন না। এই অক্সিটেট স্ফটিক দ্রবীভূত অ্যাসিডিক মাধ্যম প্রদান।

পুরবী নাহঃ কোচুর লোটি রেসিপিকলকাসিয়া অঙ্কুর বা তারো স্টোলন একটি বহুমুখী বাংলা উদ্ভিদ।এত কষ্টের সঙ্গে, কেন বাঙালিও লোটি খেতে বিরক্ত?

কারণ লটি বাঙালি খাবারের জন্য খুব বহুমুখী সবজি এবং পাগল স্বাদ! এটি প্রতিটি কামড় একটি মসৃণ টেক্সচার প্রদান করে। Drumsticks বিপরীত, এই শুধু মুখের মধ্যে দ্রবীভূত। বাঙ্গালীরা হিমলা (ইলিশ), শ্যাম্পস (চিংড়ি) বা এমনকি ভাটিকি মত সুগন্ধযুক্ত মাছের সাথে নিরামিশ (নিরামিষ) পদ্ধতিতে, বা আরো বেশি সাধারণভাবে এটি রান্না করতে ভালবাসে। এই বছরের শুরুতে আমার ব্লগে পোস্টস্টোস্টে, আমি আপনার সাথে অন্য বাঙালি লোটি প্রিয়ের সব বিস্তারিত রেসিপি ভাগ করেছিলাম, যেগুলি কোঁকড়া দিয়ে রান্না করা হয়েছে: কোচুর লোটি আর চিংড়ি মাচার পাতুরি (তরো স্টোলন এবং কাঁঠালের সাথে বাঙালি পটুুরি ডিশ)। আপনি এই সবজি উপর আরো জানতে চান, পোস্ট যে পড়া খুব!

একটি নিয়ম হিসাবে, লটি একটি উদার পরিমাণে পেঁয়াজ, রসুন এবং সবুজ মরিচ এবং / অথবা লাল মরিচ পেস্ট সঙ্গে রান্না করা আছে। সেই “দাদীমা-শৈলী” গন্ধ পেতে, আপনাকে প্রচুর পরিমাণে সরিষার তেল দরকার, যাতে লোটি রান্না করা যায়। তবে এটি স্বাদযুক্ত হতে পারে, আপনার অংশ আকার নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে পারে, অন্যথায় আপনি পরের দিন সকালে পেট এবং একটি অস্বস্তিকর পেট সঙ্গে শেষ হতে পারে!

সাবধান: আপনি এলার্জি প্রবণ হলে, এই থালা চেষ্টা করবেন না।

সব ব্যথা সত্ত্বেও, লতি এত মূল্যবান! আসলে, আমার প্রিয় বাংলা veggies এক। যদি আপনি নিরাইমিশ বা নিরামিষাশ্যে রান্না করছেন, কালো জের (কালনজি, মংগল বা নিগেলা বীজ) ভালভাবে কাজ করে। ধনীর বীজ পেস্ট (পাউডারের পরিবর্তে একটি সত্য বাঙালি সর্বদা পেস্ট ব্যবহার করবে) লোটি সহ যেকোনো কোলকাসিয়া থালা দিয়ে ভাল হয়।

এই বাঙ্গালী সুস্বাদুতা তৈরির জন্য অবশিষ্ট মাছের মাথা ব্যবহার করুনমুরো দিই কোচুর লোটি (ফিশ হেডস সহ কলোকাসিয়া স্টোলনের বাংলা-স্টাইল মিশ্মশ)।

যাইহোক, লটি পেঁয়াজ, রসুন, প্রচুর তেল এবং প্রচুর সবুজ মরিচ দিয়ে ভাল লাগে। এবং, যদি আপনি মাছ যোগ করেন, এটি কেবল একটি স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য উপায়ে পরিণত হয় যা বাঙালিরা তাদের সারাজীবন কামনা করে। হ্যাঁ, এটি সেই খাবারের এক!

food recipes in Bangladesh | Four Small tips But Important

What is food recipes in Bangladesh ?

Food recipes in Bangladesh
Food recipes in Bangladesh.jpg

Every country has its own tradition of foods. Food recipes in Bangladesh has rich historical traditional food items. Among the food lovers of all over the world, Bangladesh is known by the variations of her food history. Being an outpost of Mughal Empire once upon a time, Bangladesh retains its heritage. Bangladesh is known for rice production that has been one of the chief occupation of its individuals. Rice is the most consumed food among Bangladeshies. The Bangladeshis eat rice, not simply a little but however a lot. They eat rice daily and at each meal with nice testy and spicy curry of vegetables, fishes and meat.
Rice is that the main staple of the Bangladeshi folks, served with an array excellent curry recipes. Bangladeshi recipes and dishes exhibit sturdy aromatic flavors and regularly include eggs, potatoes, tomatoes and aubergines. A spread of spices and herbs, together with mustard oil and ghee, is used in authentic Bangladeshi preparation.

Most Common food recipes in Bangladesh:

The most common breads are roti, porota, naan, bakarkhani and luchi. The second most vital staple, served with rice/porota/luchi is Dal which is a favorite food item by the majority of Bangladeshies. Vegetable dishes, mashed (bhorta), boiled (sabji), or leaf-based (saak) are wide served. Fish is additionally a staple in Bangladeshi cooking, particularly seafood. Ilish (hilsa), rui (rohu), magur (walking catfish), chitol (clown knifefish), pangash (pangas catfish), pabda (butterfish), bhetki (barramundi) and Tilapia are mostly well known. Popular Meat consumptions by Bangladeshies are beef, lamb, venison, chicken, duck, squab and koel. Seafood like lobsters and shrimps also are typically prevalent. Let’s we know details about food recipes in Bangladesh

Bhapa Ilish (Fish)


Hilsa Fish – 600 gms

Turmeric Powder – 1 1/2 tsp

Salt – to taste

Mustard Seed Paste – forty gms

Green Chili Paste – 20 gms

Green Chili Slit – 4 nos

Cream – 25 ml

Mustard Oil – 75 gms

Most of the People says The Best food recipes in Bangladesh is ” Bhapa Ilish(Fish)”


Cut the hilsa fish into darnes and wash well in cold water. Apply turmeric and salt on the fish and put aside for 20 minutes. Blend along freshly ground fine mustard paste, green chili paste, oil, cream and turmeric powder (1 tsp). Dip the items of marinated fish in this masala and place within the steaming casserole of the sterilizer. Pour four cups of water into the cooking utensil and convey to a boil. Modify the steamer casserole and steam underneath boiling temperature for 8 minutes. Take off the fireplace and release the steam.

Serve hot with cooked rice fancy with slit green chilies.

Chapatti Recipe

Whole Wheat Flat Breads

Mix together:

2 cups Indian whole wheat flour

1 tsp salt

1 TSP vegetable oil

about 3/4 cup warm water (enough for a knead able dough)


Put flour in a giant bowl, setting aside concerning half a cup for rolling chapattis. Stir salt through the flour, then add ghee or oil and rub in with fingertips, like creating pastry. Add the measured water all at once; moisten all the flour and blend to a firm dough. Knead dough for a minimum of 10 minutes or till dough is sleek and elastic.

Since there’s no leavening agent in this bread, kneading is used to develop lightness. Gather dough into a ball, place into a little bowl and cover tightly with plastic food wrap. Leave for 1 hour or longer. This resting amount is additionally very important for creating lightweight, tender bread. Divide dough into balls of even size, concerning as massive as an oversized walnut or tiny egg. Roll each out on a gently floured board, gently dusting board and rolling pin with reserved flour and keeping the form utterly round if possible.

Heat a tawa, griddle or significant cooking pan, place the primary chapatti on the recent pan and leave for one minute on medium heat. Flip it over and place the second facet down.

Serve heat with butter, curry or different dishes.


Tikya Kabab


25 g channa dhal, split

225 g fatless stewing steak

1 brown cardamom, ground

1/2 large onion, chopped

1 bay leaf

1 inch (2.5 cm) fresh ginger, chopped

1/4 teaspoon black pepper,

1 large clove garlic, chopped

Salt to taste

1/2 teaspoon paprika

Ghee or oil

1/2 teaspoon garam masala

1 egg yolk

1/4 cup chopped fresh coriander or parsley

Fine breadcrumbs


Food recipes in Bangladesh is very easy, Just flow the instruction:

Soak the dhal night long, so boil in double its volume of water.Strain off any excess water. Place the meat, onion, ginger, garlic, and spices through a mixer. Combine well and add salt to taste. Add the dhal to the mixture, and fry in a very little ghee for twenty minutes. Add a little water if it dries up an excessive amount of. Leave aside for regarding three hours or long to thicken and dry. Following day or once prepared, add the ingredient, and, if it doesn’t hold along, add gram flour to thicken or water to skinny. Add contemporary coriander or parsley. Seekh Kebabs roll mixture in breadcrumbs to sausage shapes for a better taste. Skewer them and cook over charcoal underneath the grill or fry in a fry pan. For Shami Kebabs, roll into balls, coat in breadcrumbs and fry.


Mishti Doi (sweet yogurt)


1 litre long life (UHT) full cream milk

1 litre long life (UHT) single cream

One cup natural yogurt

Cap sweetened condensed milk

A cup sugar


That’s it, combine them together (no need to boil and cool the milk) and place the combination in the oven at terribly low temperature for six hours. By trial and error, you may realize the proper temperature setting for your oven for the proper DOI! If it’s not setting, up the temperature slightly.

Caramel Custard (egg pudding)

Ingredients & Directions

one cup sugar (put in cooking pan and heat  stove till dissolved into golden brown caramel) Pour in a very appropriate dish and let cool down. Mix 8 eggs, 2 cup milk, one cup sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla and pour within the dish on top of caramel. Seat the dish on an oven tray. Place two glasses of water within the tray (very important). Place it in the preheated oven at 150 degrees C for 1hr. Take it out let it cool down. Run a knife around it to separate from the dish. Flip upside-down on a dish (careful) and serve chilled

Little Known Ways to Bangladeshi Foods

bangladeshi foods

About Bangladeshi Foods

The spectacular combination of our age recent ancient values and a various range of utterly homogenized spices offer People’s Republic of Bangladesh cuisines a singular taste that folks from all around the world don’t hesitate to come back here once more. Our foods and spices are thus nice that currently these rule the full world. Several of you would possibly have already tasted those in abroad in several restaurants that offer Bangladeshi foods.

sorisha ilish

Most of the Bangladeshi foods are supported rice. An abundance of fishes in rivers and ponds and our love towards completely different sorts of fishes in several styles of dishes build the byword “Fish and rice make a Bengali” additional substantive . Especially Shorshe Ilish, a dish of preserved hilsha with mustard-seed paste, is taken into account because of the most important a part of our Bangladeshi preparation. With the exception of that, we have a tendency to even have curry created out of freshly picked vegetables, comletely different forms of meat, lentils soup, etc in our dishes.

bangladesh food recipes

Well, with the exception of the regular dishes mentioned antecedently, some dishes are specially designed to boost our celebration and festivals. Although pitha (cake) is fashionable for celebrating a particular season, however, it’s a much more reason to be celebrated that pitha is usually ready and cherished in any Bangladeshi board everywhere the year. Most pithas are sweet however that doesn’t stop us from creating it spicy. There are some pithas that are created with meat and alternative spices. The chief ingredients of pitha are: sugarcane, date juice, rice, flour, milk etc. Bhapa, pooli, patishapta, nakshipitha etc are common however celebrated in any Bangladeshi room.


The deeper you stray around the alleys of any Bangladeshi city, the additional exotic your preparation expertise can become. Foods found in our streets and restaurants are as ancient because the foods grilled in our home. Iftar at a recent capital of Bangladesh, jhalmuri (puffed rice with spices), dal puri, smokin’ hot Kebabs, etc. are for sure never to be lost.


You will be surprised to understand that after you are visiting every a part of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, there exist many alternative native foods that are illustrious for his or her individual characteristics. Some select spice or some select sweets. The style is clearly completely different than the thought ones however at the bottom it solely depicts a singular theme; it’s Bangladeshi food.


The staples of Sylheti folks are principally rice and fish. Their selection and technique of cookery are clearly completely different to non-Sylhetis. ancient foods include bitter dishes, like tengha boiled with vegetables, together with amra, defal, olives, dewwaa, amshi, mango choti, kul, hatkhora (or shatkora), ada zamir, and the other sour lemon-like tasty vegetable and additionally many varieties of meat dishes, together with chicken. In Chitagong Mezban feasts are widespread throughout the world. Seafood and food are quite current in these areas. Dried fish is a lot of offered in this region than in different components of the country.


Apart from that, the foremost southern a part of this region is especially influenced by the Arakan cooking of Asian country. Dried fish, bamboo shoots, sea fish, and lots of a lot of are the specialties. They use a lot of spicy flavors and coconuts in their food preparations. The capital Dhaka and its territory region compose the central region, wherever water fish are a lot of popular. Because of completely different ruling periods, the preparation of this region is versatile. The old Dhaka space is known for the nawab Awadhi cooking. In old Dhaka, kababs, naans, bakarkhani, Kachchi biriyani, haleem, mutton bhuna khichuri, Roust and especially mutton tehari are samples of dishes that became fashionable in different components of the country.


Rajshahi mangoes are thought of to be the most effective within the country. Sweet dishes are common. The Northern elements of the country is additionally famed for growing pineapple, guava, watermelon, white or sweet melon, green bell apple, wood apple, tropic grape, jujube, pear, litchi etc. Khulna and Jessore areas and are terribly near the West Bengal of India. The cooking of those areas is known as authentic Bengali recipes. Mug dal with hilsha fish head, dalna, chachchari, luchi-payesh, hilsha with mustard are extremely popular during this region like neighboring West Bengal in India. Coconut milk is incredibly popular during this region. Barisal and Khulna: A large range of sweet water fishes are out there during this region that is extremely known everywhere the country.


The following may be a list of characteristic Bangladeshi recipe styles. Every entry may be a category of recipes, manufacturing completely different dishes counting on the selection of ingredients. There are tastes that the Bangladeshi palate caters to. These include:

Achar: Assortment of pickled fruit, vegetables or spices. Typically flavored with mustard oil, mustard seeds, aniseeds, caraway seeds, and asafoetida or hing.

Bawra: something that has been mashed mixed with thick batter and so fashioned into a rough round form and deep cooked, typically in soybean or mustard oil. Typically it’s served with rice as a starter or served with puffed rice crisps or as a single snack.

Bhapa: Fish or vegetables steamed with spices.

Chap: Bengali-style croquettes sometimes coated with crushed biscuits or breadcrumbs.

Kalia: a really wealthy preparation of fish or meat employing a heap of oil or ghee with a spicy sauce sometimes supported ground ginger and fresh shallots glued or cooked together with a tempering of gorom moshla.

Kofta: Ground meat croquettes certain along with spices or eggs, served alone or in savory gravy.

Korma: It involves egg, fish or meat cooked in a delicate yogurt-based sauce with ghee, and sometimes flavored paste is additional. People of southern Bangladesh add coconut milk to several of their dishes and korma is not an exception.

Paturi: typically, oily fish is sliced equally and wrapped in an exceedingly banana leaf, when the fish has been basted with freshly glued mustard with a touch of mustard oil, chili, turmeric, and salt.bangladeshi food

Posto: something (especially potato, aubergine) baked with poppy seed paste because of the main flavoring agent. Usually, poppy seed paste with some mustard oil is consumed mixed with rice all by itself as a light beginner during a meal.

Shak: green leafy vegetables, like spinach and cruciferous vegetable, are sliced and cooked till they wilt during a bit of oil and tempering of nigella seeds.

Torkari: A general term usually utilized in Bengali, a similar manner ‘curry’ is used in English. The word-initial meant raw garden vegetables. From this, it absolutely was a natural extension to mean baked vegetables or maybe fish and vegetables cooked along.


Desi fish | Amazing Bangladeshi Fish

Amazing Desi Fish

Bangladesh is a land of rivers and famous for desi fish . Our rivers abound with fish. There are concerning 32,000 species of fishes worldwide and nearly 400th of the species board fresh water. In Bangladesh, there are 401 species of marine fishes and 251 species of inland fishes (in freshwaters and salt waters).


desi fish hilsa (Ilish):

The most vital (culturally and economically) one is hilsa (Ilish), Tenualosa ilisha, an anadromous fish that migrates down the ocean to the rivers to spawn. The immature young ones, domestically called jatka fully grown within the rivers and its tributaries, descend to the ocean for feeding, and on maturity come back to freshwater for breeding and to complete the life cycle.

The migrating adult fishes are extensively exploited throughout may to October; the young ones that are Jatka are captured throughout Feb to may within the rivers.Bangladesh is famous for this delicious fish (desi fish). It’s our national fish. It’s known as the king of fish too. In Bangladesh, hilsa fish is especially caught within the Padma (lower Ganges), Meghna (lower Brahmaputra), and Jamuna rivers. Over 100 percent of the country’s total fish production comes from hilsa fish. Hlish is an oily fish made of omega 3 fatty acids. Recent experiments have shown its useful effects in decreasing cholesterol level in rats and insulin level.

desi fish Rui (Labeo rohita):

Rui (Labeo rohita) may be a fish of the carp fish family, found normally in rivers and freshwater lakes in and around South Asia and South-East Asia. It’s a non-oily/white fish. Throughout the first stages of its lifecycle, it fares primarily creature, however, because it grows, it fares a lot of and a lot of flora, and as a juvenile or adult is a carpophagous column feeder, intake primarily flora and submerged vegetation. It’s changed, skinny hair-like gill rakers, suggesting that it feeds by sieving the water. This fish is thought domestically as ‘the king of fishes’. Found in fresh bodies, seldom in briny water. This fish may be a bottom feeder fish. Prey on each natural and supplementary feeds. Naturally breeds in flowing water bodies, particularly in rivers, and floodplains throughout the season.

Catla is that the sole member of the genus Gibelion, of the carp fish family. It’s a fish with an oversized sticking out jawbone. It’s normally found in rivers and fresh lakes in Bangladesh. Body short and deep, somewhat laterally compressed, its depth quite head length; head terribly giant, its depth exceptional half the top length; body with prominently giant cycloid scales, head barren of scales; snout flat out rounded; eyes giant and visual from face of the head; mouth wide and upturned with outstanding sticking out lower jaw; higher lip absent, lower lip terribly thick; no barbels; jawbone with a movable articulation at symphysis, while not a outstanding process; gill rakers long and fine. It will weigh quite fifty pounds.

Mrigel, Common English: Mrigal carp, Scientific name: Cirrhinus cirrhosis may be a native to giant rivers within the Indian landmass. Inhabits are quick flowing streams and rivers. It will tolerate high levels of salinity. Feeds on being, however additionally graze on protoctist. Spawning happens in marginal areas of the water body with a depth of 50-100 cm over a sand or clay substrate. It will grow one meter long and weigh up to twenty-five weight unit. This is an awfully active fish with a massive strength.

Kalibaus, Scientific Name: Labeo calbasu is also a popular species happens throughout Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Siam and Southern China. Inhabits in rivers, rivers, lakes, beels, and ponds; in slow waters of rivers and it’s primarily a bottom feeder that feeds on plants, filamentlike protoctist, and diatoms. It will weigh up to 5-6 weight units. Terribly strong fish to convey an excellent fight.

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